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Sing Songs to Savor Flavor
Publish Date : 1395/5/23 Time 16:09:26


Sing Songs to Savor Flavor
As we get older, we often opt out of the traditional birthday ritual of singing, closing our eyes to make a wish, and blowing out all of the candles (at once, if you want your wish to come true).  However, choosing to simply cut the cake and serve it may not only take away from the fun and memory of the celebration, but could also change the taste of the cake!

Sing and be Merry

Scientists from the University of Minnesota researched the effects of performing rituals before eating.  The studies, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, reveal that the rituals we preform can actually change our perception of food – for the better.

The scientists conducted four experiments, which determined that a fixed routine performed right before consuming food boosts personal involvement and the overall enjoyment of eating.  The first experiment asked a group of participants to follow a detailed set of instructions before eating a chocolate bar, while the other participants could eat the candy bar as they pleased.  Results showed those who performed the “ritual” savored the chocolate more, were willing to pay more for the bar, and rated the quality of the chocolate higher overall.

Cake vs. Carrots

While quirky rituals may enhance our perception of chocolate and cake, what about foods that are not as appetizing to everyone, like broccoli and carrots?  Interestingly, the research revealed the same affects for nutritional foods as it did with sweets.  This is great news for parents or teachers who may struggle to get their children or students to eat healthy snacks.

Photo courtesy of

Simple habits and silly customs might seem mundane, but research shows the effects are quite tangible. Not only can they bolster healthy eating habits, but the findings could expand beyond the food industry to influence other areas, such as medicine. Psychological scientist, Kathleen Vohs, told Psychological Science, “We are thinking of getting patients to perform rituals before a surgery and then measuring their pain post-operatively and how fast they heal.”

What do you think about the findings and future use of rituals?  Does singing Happy Birthday make or break your cake?  We’re interested to know what other habits you have with consuming food or drink.  Leave your comments below!

The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States (FEMA) was founded in 1909 and is the national association of the U.S. flavor industry.  FEMA’s membership is comprised of flavor manufacturers, flavor users, flavor ingredient suppliers, and others with an interest in the U.S. flavor industry.  The association is committed to ensuring a safe supply of flavor ingredients used in foods and beverages enjoyed by billions of men, women, and children around the world.